Effects of Marijuana

Dry mouth
In a lot cases,you would expect to see more of the dry mouth in a recreational user because they are consuming, a lot more cannabis than the average medical user.
Most of the marijuana users are familiar with "COTTON MOUTH" meaning that the user experience an uncomfortable feeling from lack of silica production. This effects can be minimized by chewing on gum or food which can stimulate siliva production.
Severe dizziness while standing up especially after smoking it might be because of low blood pressure which provide explanation for this effect.
Lack of motivation
User became unmotivated in school or at work. The lack of motivation can be explained by how cannabis affect the brain. Long term users have lower level of dopamine.
Long problem
Anything that lights the plants on fire created respiratory irritants. People who smoke marijuana can suffere from respiratory problems such as coughing,bronchitis and wheezing.
Like most drugs there is risk of addiction associated with cannabis use.Cannabis is a Psychoactive drug which activate some brain parts. But some people still do not believed that cannabis is addictive.


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